Andreas, a highly qualified fitness expert and coach, specializes in helping busy moms and dads achieve their weight loss goals in 12 weeks or less, without the need for a gym. With a wealth of experience and certifications as a canfit pro and precision nutrition Elite Trainer, Andreas has a proven track record of success.

Before founding Lyfetime Fitness, Andreas developed a comprehensive training philosophy centered around three core pillars: Mindset, Programming, and Lifestyle. Recognizing that true success begins with a strong mindset, Andreas empowers individuals to define their aspirations, set specific goals, and establish a strategic plan for achieving them. By incorporating a robust accountability system, he ensures his clients stay on track.

With over 9 years of experience as a personal trainer, Andreas draws upon his extensive background in sports, including collegiate-level football at the University of Calgary, and competing in bodybuilding and classic physique shows under the NPAA. His dedication to sports has not only honed his expertise but also instilled in him invaluable psychological attributes that he imparts to his clients, enriching their lives beyond fitness.

Andreas is not only passionate about fitness but also engages in various other pursuits. He finds fulfillment in self-development, business coaching, and his love for bodybuilding. When he's not helping clients transform their lives, Andreas enjoys exploring the world through travel and cherishing quality time with his family. Additionally, he has a creative side and enjoys making music.

Join Andreas on your weight loss journey, where he combines his expertise, passion, and personalized approach to guide you toward lasting results. Experience the transformation that's possible when you have a dedicated coach by your side.